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发布日期:2024-06-28 12:50    点击次数:58


市场 最高价 最低价 大宗价 乌鲁木齐北园春果业经营管理有限责任公司 90.00 40.00 60.00


As a strong manufacturing province in China, Guangdong's industrial added value of enterprises above the designated level reached 0.91 trillion yuan, with an increase of 6.1% in the first quarter of this year. The industries and products representing new quality productive forces such as electronic information and smart home appliances have sprung up. More and more trillion-level emerging industries have been generated, driving the added value of advanced manufacturing and high-tech manufacturing. Please follow the "2024 Guangdong High-Quality Development Research Tour" to take a closer look at the development of Guangdong's manufacturing industry.



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